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将两面锦旗转送至 苏附中加班



On October 22nd Ms. Tang Chongyan, the leading official of Tang Mama Charity Organization, came to our school to personally present two beautiful banners as a gift to our program. 

The banners are from the People's Government of Shenzha County in Tibet and Civil Affairs Bureau of Huining County in Gansu as a thank you for our participation in fund raising efforts to support those in need in these communities.

| 西藏申扎县人民政府送来的锦旗:“教育慈善聚善心,点亮希望之心灯。”

The banner sent by the People’s Government of Shenzha County, Tibet states, “Educational charity gathers kindness and lights up the heart of hope.

The banner sent by Civil Affairs Bureau of Huining County and Huining Volunteer Association states, “Let love bloom in hope and hope grow in education.”



Since 2018, our school has cooperated with Tang Mama Charity, to organize and participate in many charitable activities inside and outside the school raising more than 150,000 RMB.

These funds were used to purchase specially engineered cans that purify water to generate healthy drinking water. They were donated to the herdsmen of Tibet and Ningxia by the Tang Mama Charity Organization this summer.



In remote areas such as Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang pastoral areas, local herdsmen and livestock all drink dirty river water, which contains a large number of parasites. Long-term drinking can cause diseases; the most common one is hepatic echinococcosis.
| 志愿者们拍摄的当地的饮用水状况。





Because of  long-term drinking of this water containing a large number of parasites, a 10-year-old girl, Zhuoma of Qinghai Guoluo in Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has suffered terribly from hepatic echinococcosis for two years.

The high cost of travelling expenses for medical attention and the medical expenses themselves create extreme financial hardship for the family. Zhuoma’s illness continues and she has to continue to drink dirty river water, causing her health condition to worsen. Zhuoma’s mother cried out saying, “I am afraid that the child will not be saved.



In 2015, Ms. Tang Chongyan discovered the problem of drinking water in pastoral areas when she visited Yushu, Qinghai, at an altitude of 4,700 meters.

Tang Mama Charity Team covered the cost of f surgery for Zhuoma, but Zhuoma's liver function was reduced by 65%. If the problem of drinking water cannot be solved similar serious illness and disease will continue for the children of these regions.

| “汤妈妈”汤崇雁与志愿者们在现场教当地牧民使用小黄桶。



To help the herdsmen in the pastoral areas and the children studying in boarding schools in these highlands to get clean water and the most basic chance for survival a solution has finally been found. This simple system can purify water; “Siyuan Safe Drinking Water Project” was born.

In 2019, Tang Mama's Charity Team came to Naqushenzha County in Tibet with a special gift to help the herdsmen and children in the local pastoral area. They gave them a way to get a glass of clean water. This gift, this magical little yellow bucket is their means to good health.

| 这种净水桶拥有先进的过滤系统,15纳米超级纳米过滤薄膜过滤芯能过滤掉世界上最小的病菌。在不需要用电的情况下,小黄桶可以过滤出直饮的安全水。小黄桶寿命到期后,为防止饮用不再安全的水,过滤芯会自动封闭,不会再流出一滴水。

This water bucket has an advanced filtration system and the super filter core can filter out the world's smallest bacteria. The small yellow bucket can filter out the safe water for direct drinking without the need for electricity. After the small yellow bucket expires, in order to prevent drinking water that is no longer safe, the filter core will be automatically close and no more water will flow out.

The Tang Mama Charity Team distributed a total of 200 small yellow buckets to provide life saving pure water to 6,000 people in dozens of schools and villages in Naqu, Tibet.


This is not the first time that Tang Mama Charity Team has come to a remote area to share the magic of the small yellow bucket. Tibet Naqu and Qinghai Yushu, are places where the small yellow bucket brought pure water and a means to connect and bring health to people through love.



It is clear why the “Suzhou Small Little Bucket – Safe Drinking Water Project’ won the Gold Prize for the Excellent Volunteer Service Project of the 3rd Jiangsu Volunteer Service Exhibition in September 2018.

In addition, the “Schoolbags into the Mountainous Areas Project” and funds raised by Tang Mama Charity Center in Suzhou Industrial Park were also supported by our Sino-Canada Program. We believe our program need only take small actions to show that love is boundless and we care deeply for our people in need.


Since last year, our program and Tang Mama Charity Organization have started multi-level and in-depth cooperation. In December 2018, Ms. Tang spoke to our students about what charity can look like and how far small actions can reach. Through her words and the demonstration of the “magic bucket” our students learned the meaning of this project and were inspired to take action.

In addition, our students learned of other projects of Tang Mama Charity including; sending quilts, school bags, and stationery to poor children in mountainous areas. Every student was touched by Ms. Tang’s kindness and they also wanted to show their love to those children.

At the beginning of this year, our program sponsored the Tang Mama Charity New Year Concert. Not only did the school sponsor the concert, but the students also participated in the concert as volunteers and performers. Through this event, the social responsibility of the Sino-Canada Program was demonstrated, and the stage and opportunity for participating in the charity in a meaningful way was established.

In the follow-up activities, the Student Council organized a charity sale in the school, and the grade 12 Leadership Class students donated all the funds raised from their Food Festivals to Tang Mama Charity Organization. This idea to fund raise came from the students in the class following the presentation by Ms. Tang; they were moved by her spirit, dedication and stories of love and hope.


In the future, the Student Council will continue this great tradition and integrate charity into activities, so that each student can make their own contribution, in their own way, to this grass roots charity that reaches out to other less fortunate youth and children in their home country.
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