首页 > 企业新闻 >喜报丨19人获得全球最权威数学竞赛奖项



Congratulations to 19 students of our program who have won the Certificates of Individual Excellence in the Waterloo Mathematics Competition in Canada. The top 25% of the participating students will receive the Individual Excellence Award. The students with the highest scores in each participating school will be awarded medals. The students who won the medals in this competition are Yang Yishu of 10A and Cao Yijie of 12B, among whom Yang Yishu got the highest score in this competition. The winners in this competition are as follows:

Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Contest

Yishu Yang

Yujie Dai

Xingyi Zhan

Yaru Xu

YIjie Liu

Yi Xu

Qizheng Yang

Qianni Yang

Canadian Senior  Mathematics Contest

Yijie Cao

Yongqing Liu

Tianyi Wang

Zhengyi Yu

Zhen  Cui

Jiahui Liu

Yuehao Wang

Zhiyi Lu

Leo Zhu

Yanya Wang

Yuchen Zhang

Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Contest Medal Winner is

Yishu Yang

Canadian Senior  Mathematics Contest Medal Winner is

Yijie Cao

Waterloo系列数学竞赛是一个覆盖从7年级-12年级的全系列数学竞赛。又叫加拿大数学竞赛(Canadian Mathematics Competition)。是加拿大的官方数学竞赛,该项竞赛始于1963年,迄今已有52年历史,由设立于Waterloo大学数学系的加拿大数学与计算机教育中心(CEMC)举办,通常叫它waterloo数学竞赛。

The Waterloo Mathematics Competition is a full range of math competition from the 7th to the 12th grade, and it is also known as the Canadian Mathematics Competition. It is the official mathematics competition in Canada. The competition began in 1963 and has a history of 52 years. It was organized by the Canadian Center for Mathematics and Computer Education (CEMC), which is established at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. 


The University of Waterloo was founded in 1957 and ranks the first or second for five consecutive years in the rankings of Maclean’s, the most prestigious educational magazine in Canada. The University of Waterloo has the only mathematics academy in Canada, which is the largest mathematics academy in North America and even in the world. Because of the University of Waterloo's reputation and tradition in the field of mathematics, and also the rigor and professional criteria of the Euclidean Mathematics Competition, the results of the competition have been widely recognized in Canadian and American universities and are known as the Canadian "Mathematics TOEFL" test.

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